Career Opportunities After Completing Merchant Navy Training in Tamil Nadu

As opposed to the Navy which is preoccupied both theoretically and vocationally with the National defense where the borders are defined by the seas, the Merchant Navy as is suggested in the very name, is primarily involved with international commercial services that transpire upon the oceanic expanse. The ones who sign up to train for Merchant Navy positions are essentially pitching oneselves to live the life of sailors and in essence, pursue a professional life living on the ship, in ports across the world, and are responsible to ensure that goods are delivered across borders via sea routes.

Besides being a reputable prospect that entails responsibility for shipments representing the assurance of trade that one’s nation promises in the global market, the careers one can explore as a certified Merchant Navy aspirant are undoubtedly rooted in a sense of adventure that may speak to the temper of boundlessness. The nautical realm is a one that demands one to be as skilled as it does mandate one’s spirit for life to be inspired by the nuances of traveling without rigidity.

Unlike traveling with itineraries, bags packed with clothes and accessories that suit the geography of the unfamiliar place, and to sightsee select places that are broadcasted by travelogs; those working in the Merchant Navy might experience the people, the place, and the cultures on new ports and countries with the spark of spontaneity that most dreamers may only be able to imagine about, The fascinating lifestyle and the widely known benefits of remuneration and incentives aside, the opportunities of those who complete the Merchant Navy training ordain labor intensive and soft skills that are both laced in responsible and meticulous execution.

Among other things, it is fair to say that marine careers at their best can be explored near regions close to the sea and in places that are logistically positioned to deliver efficiently. Ports in south India are locationally at a sweet spot both in their historical, cultural, and locational advantages. The abundance of possibilities that one can aspire to explore from Tamil Nadu come as no surprise and may include the following.

Shipping Careers in Tamil Nadu

1. Deck Officers on Cargo Ships:

Located close to the gamut of industries that are involved in exports and to cities like Bangalore which happens to be a logistical hub in the state of Karnataka; a wide range of commercial ships set sail from the state of Tamil Nadu. From Chennai to Pondicherry and Rameshwaram; numerous shipments are placed in the reliability of deck officers on the said ships. As a deck officer, one is responsible for the safety of the ship, the crew, and the cargo being transported.

2. Navigation Officers:

A skill based job as can be gathered from the designation, to navigate a ship carrying goods meant for International trade is laden in responsibility. Being trained as a navigational officer via Merchant Navy courses allows one the opportunity of ensuring that the ship sails across climatic glitches and sea routes to reach its destination without causing any safety issues.

3. Engineering Officer:

While the ship may look like an easy pictorial neatly packed into its frame, every ship that leaves the port is essentially dependent on a well engineered system that operates on the uncertainties that the seas are bound to pose. Large cargoes leave the ports of Tamil Nadu and offer ship engineers endless opportunities to pursue.

5. Marine Engineer:

Specialized and complex, the ship is a vessel that is built and designed to beat unpredictable odds as can only be experienced on the oceans. Being trained as Merchant Navy aspirants enables one to pursue a career as marine engineers whose skills ensure that the ship functions at its optimum best. On a given day, a large number of shipments leave the ports of Tamil Nadu with significant cargoes that need to be transported safely and those that seek to find their growth within the realm of marine engineering are in for a treat.

If you are a young aspirant dreaming of a career in the Merchant Navy and if your adventures may be calling from the sea, at Noahs’ Ark Shipping Academy for Merchant Navy Training in Tamil Nadu

You get trained to be a shipping professional and your placements are assured. Being close to Tamil Nadu’s line of wonderful seaside life, your nautical dreams are sure to find professional proficiency via our academy.

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