
"Enrolling in Noah's Ark Shipping Career was the best decision I made for my career. The Rigger Training Program provided me with hands-on experience, expert guidance, and a deep understanding of rigging techniques. The instructors were not just educators; they were mentors who took a personal interest in our success. The emphasis on safety and industry standards has made me feel confident and prepared to embark on a successful career in maritime rigging. Thank you for an outstanding training program!"
"As a Direct Entry Program candidate, I was looking for a training institute that could kickstart my maritime career. Noah's Ark Shipping Career exceeded my expectations. The comprehensive curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and dedicated faculty made the learning experience truly exceptional. The hands-on training and simulation exercises prepared me for the real challenges at sea. I am grateful for the valuable skills I gained, and I am now proudly employed in the maritime industry. Thank you for setting me on the right course!"
"The Seamanship Program at Noah's Ark Shipping Career provided me with the foundation I needed to pursue a career at sea. The program's blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills was exactly what I was looking for. The instructors were not only knowledgeable but also passionate about sharing their experiences. The emphasis on safety and the international certifications I earned have opened up global opportunities for me. I am proud to be a graduate of Noah's Ark Shipping Career, and I highly recommend it to anyone aspiring to join the maritime industry."
Alen Hispro
"I enrolled in the Direct Entry Program and was extremely impressed with the comprehensive curriculum. The instructors were knowledgeable and supportive, providing practical insights that prepared me well for the industry. The program's emphasis on real-world scenarios gave me the confidence to excel in my career."
"The Seamanship course exceeded my expectations. The hands-on training and immersive experiences at sea were invaluable. I gained a deep understanding of navigation, safety protocols, and seamanship skills. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to build a strong foundation in maritime practices."
"The Roustabout training program was a game-changer for me. The practical skills I acquired, coupled with safety awareness, opened doors to exciting opportunities in the oil and gas industry. The dedicated instructors made the learning experience engaging and relevant to real-world challenges."
"Enrolling in the Rigger Training course was the best decision for my career. The comprehensive curriculum covered everything from basic rigging principles to advanced techniques. The hands-on exercises and simulations were instrumental in honing my skills. I now feel confident and well-prepared for a successful career as a Rigger."
"The Engine Cadet program was a perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application. The state-of-the-art facilities and experienced faculty provided a top-notch education. This program not only equipped me with engineering skills but also instilled a strong sense of responsibility and professionalism."
"As a Deck Cadet, I was exposed to a rich learning environment that included navigation, ship handling, and leadership training. The program's emphasis on teamwork and effective communication has proven invaluable in my career. I can confidently say that the Deck Cadet Course prepared me well for the challenges of the maritime industry."

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